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Results found for "Liberation Labs"

  • Ayana Bio opens new laboratory to commercialise cultivated ingredients

    The lab will serve as a “nucleus” to advance Ayana Bio’s plant cell-cultivated production systems to The lab is in the same building as Ayana Bio’s strategic partner, Ginkgo Bioworks, increasing collaboration Ayana Bio says the new lab will help it to overcome previous industry challenges through better cell Inside the lab, Ayana Bio’s plant-cell scientists are developing high-value botanicals. partners and showcase the transformative capabilities we employ to cultivate and scale plant materials, liberating

  • The C-Label: Paving the way for trust and transparency in cultivated meat

    new labelling system. This is where labelling plays a critical role. Just as the V-Label brought clarity to the vegan and vegetarian industry, the C-Label seeks to demystify Labels like the C-Label provide the transparency necessary to build consumer confidence and accelerate The C-Label places high demands on producers.

  • Poland’s LabFarm awarded €2m from NCBR

    Polish cultivated meat company LabFarm has been awarded €2 million from Poland’s National Centre for LabFarm is Poland’s first firm focused on developing cultured meat, with a focus on cell-based chicken “Obtaining the grant means that LabFarm will be able to implement a research plan to increase production The success of LabFarm is an example of how strategic initiatives and support can lead to real change #LabFarm #Poland #ProVeg

  • Research: British consumers more open to cell-based meat than a decade ago

    less interested in cell-based meat (20% and 17%, respectively) than centrists and leftists such as the Labour Party and Liberal Democrats (30% each). Matthew Smith, head of data journalism at YouGov, said: “Despite the implication that lab-grown meat e.g. wild animals, the public are significantly less likely to think it would be acceptable to create lab-grown

  • Upside Foods files lawsuit against Florida’s cell-based meat ban: What does it mean?

    He continued: “The bill that I’m going to sign today is going to say, basically, take your fake, lab-grown They want to do this stuff in a lab to be able to wipe the people sitting here out of business. Lab-grown ‘meat’ is not proven to be safe enough for consumers and it is being pushed by a liberal agenda States are the laboratory of democracy, and Florida has the right to not be a corporate guinea pig.

  • US Senators propose ban on cell-based meat in school meals

    make sure our schools can serve real meat from our ranchers, not a fake substitute that’s grown in a lab high-quality, local beef readily available for our students, there’s no reason to be serving fake, lab-grown Bill Bullard, CEO of R-CALF USA, added: “The claim that cell-cultivated meat grown in a laboratory is livestock producers in the upper midwest aren’t ham-stringed by schools suggesting that because of liberals Not long after, Texas governor Greg Abbott signed a bill requiring clear labelling of plant-based and

  • CytoNest launches first commercial product for cell-based meat production

    The product, CytoSurge 3D fiber scaffold, can be used in cultured meat and seafood development. cell CSO Minko said: “At that time, Alex Tokarev, a postdoctoral fellow in my lab, was very enthusiastic about Institute and the US Department of Agriculture, CytoNest has been able to acquire the necessary tools, lab

  • New Fazer protein bar launches with Solar Foods’ Solein ingredient

    Its mission is to liberate global protein production from the constraints of traditional agriculture.

  • Multus launches animal component-free FBS alternative

    cheaper and faster to get media that performs better and costs less, to help cultivated meat get from lab We believe machine learning can radically accelerate lab research, so we created a system specifically Proliferum B marks its first product, taking nine months from lab to market.

  • The Cultivated B’s industrial-grade bioreactor signals commercial viability for cellular agriculture

    products based on cellular agriculture and precision fermentation face challenges in scaling up from the lab quickly advancing, but producers can’t scale their scientific and regulatory breakthroughs from the lab They are available in a wide range of sizes from lab scale to industrial scale – up to 25,000 litres

  • Arizona Republicans attempt to ban cell-based meat

    It states that foods “not derived from livestock or poultry” cannot be labelled as poultry or meat products It suggests that this “misbranding” can be done in several ways, including false or misleading labels “The bill doesn’t ban lab meat,” he said, "but if it’s lab meat, it needs to be labelled that. If you don’t want to buy lab meat, then don’t buy it. That’s all.” “The production and sale of lab-grown, cell-cultured animal products threaten to harm this state’s trust

  • GEA inaugurates new innovation centre for alt-proteins

    experts will use a cell cultivation and fermentation pilot line to fast-track innovations from the lab In many cases, new food producers are still stuck at the lab scale – with the hygiene, aseptic and process

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