Results found for "PLuri"
- MyriaMeat achieves milestone in cultivated pork with functional muscle tissue
The company has successfully created pig muscle tissue from pluripotent stem cells that exhibits spontaneous Their focus on utilizing pluripotent stem cells differentiates them from other companies in the cultivated “For the first time, an animal muscle – in this case from a pig – derived from pluripotent stem cells Cultured pork with natural contractility from pluripotent stem cells (© MyriaMeat GmbH) MyriaMeat is
- Opinion: Reducing cultivated meat production costs through advanced muscle tissue cultivation
One approach is to differentiate embryonic or induced pluripotent stem cells, which have unlimited proliferation
- Exclusive: Meatable CEO Jeff Tripician on navigating regulations, scaling up and the future of cell-based meat
Combined with the use of pluripotent stem cells (PSCs), the process replicates the natural growth process
- Roslin Tech closes £11m Series A funding round
Roslin Tech has developed pluripotent animal stem cells that have the ability to “self-renew indefinitely
- Meatable says that it can create cell-based pork in eight days
The technology is based on pluripotent stem cells (PSCs), which have the natural ability to keep on multiplying
- Roslin Technologies gets “multi-million dollar” investment from Kickstart Ventures
Roslin Technologies said that it is “leading the field” in its development of pluripotent animal stem
- Magic Valley and Biocellion sign MOU for cell-based meat
live animal, culturing the cells in foetal bovine serum-free media, reprogramming them into induced pluripotent
- Meatable announces $35m raise to scale and accelerate commercial launch of its pork products
replicates the natural growth process of the cells using its patented opti-ox technology combined with pluripotent
- The Future of Protein Production: Insights from Amsterdam
Dan Luining, the founder and CTO of Meatable, emphasised the role of pluripotent stem cells in creating
- Copenhagen’s Meat Tomorrow raises DKK 4.1m for cultivated meat tech
Meat Tomorrow is developing pluripotent stem cell lines to accelerate the path towards a sustainable
- Simple Planet receives $8m grant, eyes 2025 regulatory approval in South Korea
Under the IPET initiative, the company will work to establish pluripotent stem cell lines and differentiation
- MyriaMeat unveils ‘world’s first’ cultivated pork fillet
The company’s CEO Florian Hüttner said: "Our unique induced pluripotent stem cell (iPSC) pipeline allows