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On behalf of Swiss vegetarian organisation Swissveg, YouGov conducted a representative survey to assess the level of acceptance of products made via precision fermentation.

31% of respondents said they were willing to purchase and consume products made using this technology, while 11% were undecided.

To ensure the validity of responses, the survey included text explaining what the questionnaire was about: Today, it is possible to make animal substances, such as lactose or whey protein, without cow's milk, using a technique called precision fermentation that uses microorganisms. Would you buy or eat a cheese that contains animal ingredients but is made without cow's milk?

Age was an important factor in the results. While 31% of all respondents said they were prepared to consume precision-fermented products, the percentage rose to 44% in the 15-29 age group. On the other hand, only 18% of people aged between 60-79 would consume products produced by precision fermentation.

Different age range's willingness to try precision-fermented products
Willingness to try precision-fermented products by different age groups

The results also showed that vegans and vegetarians were more in favour of the technology.

The survey concluded that precision fermentation is welcomed by the majority, at 53%, by vegans and vegetarians, with 44% of flexitarians also willing to try these products. The omnivore group was more reserved with only 26% of respondents in favour.


Top image: ©Swiss cultivated meat company Mirai International's cultivated beef steak
Survey reports on Swiss acceptance of precision-fermented products

Phoebe Fraser

31 July 2024

Survey reports on Swiss acceptance of precision-fermented products

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