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Meatable awarded €7.6m from the Netherlands Enterprise Agency

Meatable awarded €7.6m from the Netherlands Enterprise Agency

Exclusive interview: RESPECTfarms – the start-up bringing cultivated meat factories to farmers' fields

Exclusive interview: RESPECTfarms – the start-up bringing cultivated meat factories to farmers' fields

Nutreco opens cell feed production facility for cell-based meat in 'world-first'

Nutreco opens cell feed production facility for cell-based meat in 'world-first'

Mosa Meat holds first official EU tasting of cultivated beef

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Dutch food tech company Mosa Meat has opened a new 29,708-square-foot scale-up facility in Maastricht, the Netherlands.

This is the company’s fourth facility and completes the new Mosa CAMPUS (Center for Advanced Meat Production, Upscaling and Sustainability), with a total footprint of 79,007 square feet.

According to the company, the new facility has already started its first production runs.

Mosa Meat’s CEO Maarten Bosch said: "As this scale-up facility comes online next month, we will have the capacity to make tens of thousands of cultivated hamburgers. The facility is designed to grow as demand increases with regulatory approvals and regional market entries, up to hundreds of thousands of cultivated hamburgers per year.”

Mark Post, Mosa Meat’s co-founder and CSO, commented: “When we introduced cultivated meat to the world, we predicted it would take 10 years to create a consumer product. Now, almost exactly 10 years later, we have a consumer product that we can start making in larger quantities and that we can start serving to consumers in Singapore, pending regulatory approval.”

The latest announcement comes after Mosa Meat began constructing an industrial production development centre near the company’s existing pilot facility in October last year.

#MosaMeat #theNetherlands

Mosa Meat opens "world's largest" cell-based meat campus

Phoebe Fraser

7 June 2023

Mosa Meat opens "world's largest" cell-based meat campus

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