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Oklahoma passes bill prohibiting cultivated meat products

Oklahoma passes bill prohibiting cultivated meat products

The Oklahoma House of Representatives has passed a measure prohibiting the manufacture and sale of cultivated meat products in the state.

A meaty debate: The battle over cultivated meat bans

A meaty debate: The battle over cultivated meat bans

Will cultivated meat find its place on consumers’ plates, or is the industry facing an uphill battle? The Cell base explores.

Vivici secures 'No Questions' FDA letter for precision-fermented whey protein

Vivici secures 'No Questions' FDA letter for precision-fermented whey protein

Dutch start-up Vivici secures a ‘No Questions’ letter from the FDA for its precision-fermented whey protein, Vivitein BLG, a key milestone.

Mississippi passes cultivated meat ban amid growing US legislative pushback

Mississippi passes cultivated meat ban amid growing US legislative pushback

Mississippi becomes the third US state to prohibit the production and sale of cultivated meat after lawmakers unanimously approved HB 1006.

UK Food Standards Agency launches innovative regulatory programme for cultivated products

UK Food Standards Agency launches innovative regulatory programme for cultivated products

The UK Food Standards Agency has launched a regulatory programme focused on ensuring the safety and efficacy of cell-cultivated products.

Mission Barns secures FDA approval for cultivated pork fat

Mission Barns secures FDA approval for cultivated pork fat

Mission Barns has announced its upcoming retail launch and first restaurant partnership for its cultivated bacon and meatballs.

Review: EU regulation of cultivated meat raises critical questions

Review: EU regulation of cultivated meat raises critical questions

EU regulatory framework for cultivated meat is under fire, sparking a debate that could reshape the future of food technology in the region.

South Dakota legislative landscape features clash over lab-grown meat regulations

South Dakota legislative landscape features clash over lab-grown meat regulations

The South Dakota Legislature is witnessing a contentious debate over lab-grown meat, reflecting tensions within the agricultural community.

Mosa Meat maintains momentum with Novel Food submission in Switzerland

Mosa Meat maintains momentum with Novel Food submission in Switzerland

Mosa Meat has submitted a novel food authorization request in Switzerland, following its cultivated beef dossier to the European Union.

South Dakota lawmakers advance bill for clear labelling of lab-grown meat

South Dakota lawmakers advance bill for clear labelling of lab-grown meat

This week, a committee of South Dakota legislators unanimously approved a bill aimed at defining, labelling and regulating lab-grown meat.

Mosa Meat seeks EU approval for cultivated fat ingredient

Mosa Meat seeks EU approval for cultivated fat ingredient

Mosa Meat, has submitted its first request for Novel Foods market authorisation in the EU, focusing on cultivated fat as a key ingredient.

Bon Vivant secures GRAS status for recombinant whey protein
Precision fermentation

Bon Vivant secures GRAS status for recombinant whey protein

Bon Vivant, a company specialising in precision fermentation, says its recombinant BLG whey protein has achieved self-affirmed GRAS status.

Nebraska lawmakers propose ban on lab-grown meat amid agricultural concerns

Nebraska lawmakers propose ban on lab-grown meat amid agricultural concerns

Nebraska Governor Jim Pillen has supported three legislative proposals, including a bill that seeks to ban the production of lab-grown meat.

Opinion: How Trump's economic priorities boost the case for cultivated seafood

Opinion: How Trump's economic priorities boost the case for cultivated seafood

Doug Grant, co-founder and CEO of Atlantic Fish Co, explores the impact of Trump’s economic priorities on the cultivated seafood sector.

Onego Bio submits GRAS notification for Bioalbumen to FDA

Onego Bio submits GRAS notification for Bioalbumen to FDA

Onego Bio has formally submitted a Generally Recognized as Safe (GRAS) notification to the Food and Drug Administration for its Bioalbumen.


The Cell Base is your one-stop shop for all cell-based news – helping you keep your finger on the pulse with the latest business updates and technological insights.

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